Rosetta Primary School

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21-23 Knockbreda Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT6 0JA

02890 491650

Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

  1. News
  2. Whole school
  3. A new service for hometime…

A new service for hometime…

23 February 2018 (by admin)

Newtownbreda (St John’s) Presbyterian Church Foyer 2-3 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays – Beginning Tuesday 27th February

Conscious that there are some parents who collect younger children at 2pm and then older children at 3pm, Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church have offered to open the Foyer of their halls on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-3pm for parents and children, including pre-school siblings. Tea, Coffee, Juice and biscuits will be provided. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer who will remain responsible for them. Some simple activities for children to engage in independently – colouring, drawing, jigsaws, building activity – will be provided. However, this is not a supervised after school’s programme for children to attend on their own. As well as being a space for those who may wish to wait rather than going home and returning for the 3pm pick-up, this is also an opportunity for parents to meet each other. Therefore, parents of P4-7 children are equally welcome to come during that time.