Welcome to Primary 5 - Mrs Mulligan and Mrs Hall
Primary 5MH
Welcome to P5MH. As you scroll through the sections below, you will see the fabulous work we have been doing in P5. In Numeracy we have been learning place value, addition and subtraction with exchange, telling the time, 2D shapes, tessellation and symmetry. In Literacy the children have been writing their own acrostic poems about Ancient Egypt.
Visit from the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service
P5 really enjoyed a visit from the Fire Brigade. We learned how to keep ourselves safe, had a look at the fire engine and some of us even had a go with the hose!
Outdoor Numeracy and Maths Week
During Maths Week, we revised 2D shapes, place value and multiplication outside using a variety of games and activities. We also had great fun solving number puzzles to find clues to unlock Tutankhamun's treasure chest.
World Around Us - Ancient Egypt
In World Around Us the children have loved our topic and have enjoyed learning about shadufs, the pyramids, hieroglyphics, obelisks and much more.
Have a look at some of our amazing work which is proudly displayed around the classroom and in the corridor. The children have shown excellent creativity and artistic ability, producing paper mache canopic jars, clay obelisks, acrostic poems and model shadufs that were used to collect water from the River Nile.
World Around Us - Ancient Egypt
After looking at how the original pyramids were made, we had some great fun building pyramids out of sugar cubes, lego and marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
We finished our topic with an Ancient Egyptian Day. During the day we enjoyed making and tasting Egyptian Flatbread and playing some games.
Roots of Empathy
As part of Roots of Empathy, we were delighted to meet Baby Sienna and look forward to learning more about how babies and ourselves grow and develop.
World Around Us - Inventors and Inventions
In World Around Us in the Spring Term the children have learned about different inventors and inventions. As we learned about Thomas Edison, we also tried to create our own electric circuits.
Drama Workshop
In January P5 thoroughly enjoyed a drama workshop!