Rosetta Primary School

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Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'

Eco Schools Action Plan


Take a look at our Eco Schools Action Plan. From Sept 2023 to March 2025 we will be working on the following three topics:

  • Outdoor Learning
  • Healthy Living
  • Biodiversity


Eco-Schools Action Plan - Click to download

Environmental Review

The Eco-committee members have been busy investigating how we can improve the environment and our school's impact on the planet. They looked at the results of the review and identified 3 areas we are going to work on - Outdoor Learning, Healthy Living and Biodiversity. 

The review will be completed every year to check how we're getting on.

Environmental Review - Oct 2023

January 2025

Healthy Living

Fueling fun and health and the school disco! Friends of Rosetta are bringing healthier snack options to the dance floor. Join us in making every events a little greener and healthier! Stay tuned for more sustainable options in the future! 

January 2025

Healthy Living

Healthy, hearty, and homemade! P1 have been getting hands-on in the kitchen, creating delicious vegetable soup. A tasty way to learn about healthy eating and teamwork! 

Outdoor Learning

P1 love getting outdoors for their learning outdoor play sessions. 

January 2025

Outdoor Learning

P2/3S and P3M have spent the last week monitoring the weather and the amount of rainfall. We placed 2 rain gauges in the field and checked them daily. 

Term 1

Outdoor Learning

All of our classes LOVE to get outside for some learning! 

December 2024


We have been working hard to maintain our Eco Green Flag so P4 enjoyed a fun filled walk to explore biodiversity in action! We ventured into Cherryvale park and made observations about plant and animal life and noted how it changes by season. We witnessed the effect humans and animals can have on an ecosystem and had great fun building our own huts and dens, as well as creating memory jars filled with natural materials.

December 2024

Healthy Living & Outdoor Learning

P4 have been studying the topic 'Superheroes' in World Around Us. They made some super challenging obstacle courses for superheroes in training to complete! This involved lots of teamwork and communication. As you can see, we made the most of our outdoor environment. 

November 2024

Outdoor Learning

A story around the campfire, some songs and a warming cup of hot chocolate! P1 really know how to enjoy themselves on a cold day. 

October 2024

Waste & Recycling 

Friends of Rosetta raised £90 on Thursday morning at the Halloween Costume and Uniform Sale.

Thanks for your support!

October 2024

Healthy Living & Transport

Congratulations to these P2's who have 'ditched the stabilisers' on their bikes what a great achievement! This programme is part of our Sustrans Active Travel School award.

October 2024

Outdoor Learning & Healthy Living

P6 had a fantastic time at Ganaway Training and Activity Centre. 

October 2024

Outdoor Learning

What a fantastic maths week! Every class got outdoors to do some fun maths activities. Enjoy!

September 2024

Outdoor Learning & Healthy Living

P1, P2 and P3 have thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor play sessions. They have been so busy! 

August 2024

Outdoor Learning

P4B have been making the most of the good weather. 

June 2024


P4 and P5 sent individual letters to Paula Bradshaw MLA, outlining their concerns re t he impact of the algae in Lough Neagh on the local ecosystem. 

April 2024

Waste & Recycling

Friends of Rosetta are holding another uniform sale on Friday 3rd May, 8.30 to 9.00am. Please send in good quality, washed uniform which no longer fits your child by Tuesday 30th April - bigger sizes of uniform would be especially appreciated. Minimum donation of £2 per item for pre-worn uniform, there will also be some new uniform donated by Tesco to purchase at £5 per item. 

March 2024

Outdoor Learning

The Easter bunny stopped by to deliver some tasty treats to P1. 

March 2024

Healthy Living

We all had a great time running in today's mini marathon with Fitter Younger!

January 2024

Global Perspective

P4 have been working through the 'Educating the Heart' programme, learning all about our connections to the wider world. Today, we explored where various household items, toys and games originated and began to look at Fairtrade.

December 2023

Healthy Living

A big thank you to Skill School NI, Sustrans, Dr Hannah McCourt from PHA, Dr Hillyard from Ulster University, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Stranmillis University College and The Daily Mile UK for arranging and supporting a fantastic time for all at this year's Daily Mile Santa Run. 

November 2023

Global Perspective

Thank you for all of your generous donations for this year's Children in Need appeal. The pupils had a fantastic time admiring everyone's crazy hair for Crazy Hair Day. 

November 2023

Healthy Living

P4 & P5 enjoyed participating in 'Chester's Challenge' this week. Learning all about a healthy diet and exercise with the help of the Chest, Heart & Stroke organisation. 

October 2023


Congratulations to our recently elected Eco-committee 2023 - 2025. Already there are great ideas to make Rosetta Primary School even more eco-friendly. 

October 2023

Global Perspective

Rosetta has been delighted to support local food banks organised by The Trussell Trust. Gary Ball (East Belfast food bank at Orangefield Presbyterian) told the children all about how the food banks work. No-one should be hungry in Belfast.


The food bank in Orangefield is open on Tuesdays and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30pm. 

October 2023

Outdoor Learning

Another successful Maths week! The whole school thoroughly enjoyed completing some maths lessons outside. Enjoy our photos! 

October 2023

Outdoor Learning

P1 love outdoor play! 

October 2023

Waste & Recycling

September 2023

Outdoor Learning

P1 had a fantastic Autumn Walk to Cherryvale today! We had so much fun, explored the trees and woods. We got to burn off our energy in the play park too. Walking back to school was slow, we were very tired! 

September 2023

Healthy Living

P2S enjoyed some outdoor PE using simple equipment that they could use to keep their bodies active and healthy as well as developing basic skills like balancing, skipping and hula-hooping. 

September 2023

Outdoor Learning

All classes have been very busy in the school grounds. Check out what they have been up to!


Rosetta has been awarded the Eco Schools Green flag!


The assessors came out in May 2023 and they said, 'A huge well done to all of your school for the incredible hard work you have put in to achieve this prestigious award'. Special thanks to the Eco Committee and Mrs Beare for their great ideas and being the driving force behind this project. 

Eco Schools Action Plan


Take a look at our Eco Schools Action Plan. From Sept 2021 to March 2023 we will be working on the following three topics:

  • Healthy Living
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Global Perspective

Eco Code


May 2023

Outdoor Learning

P4 did a bit of work in the garden today! 

March 2023

Healthy Living - Rosetta's Marathon

The whole school had a fantastic day at the Rosetta Marathon. The atmosphere was fantastic, the children enjoyed participating and cheering on their friends. More photos can be found on our Facebook Page - Rosetta Primary School. 


March 2023

Waste & Recycling

A huge thank you to all our families and friends of Rosetta for donating all your unwanted clothing and textiles. We have raised £253 with the help of All-Tex recycling. 

March 2023

Fairtrade Fortnight

Huge congratulations to the winners of the Fairtrade Colouring Competition! Enjoy your Fairtrade treats! 

March 2023

Fairtrade Fortnight

The Fairtrade Fortnight competition has officially ended! The Eco-committee will be looking at your amazing entries (a small selection can be seen below), and will get back to the lucky winners very soon! 

The competition raised a total of £107 for the Fairtrade Foundation. 

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Beare and the Eco-committee. 

March 2023

Fairtrade Fortnight

P4B made delicious lemonade using Fairtrade ingredients. Some of us enjoyed it more than others!


Come back soon to see what the other classes have been up to during Fairtrade Fortnight. 

March 2023

Waste & Recycling

February 2023

Global Perspective 

The Eco-Committee met today to discuss Fairtrade Fortnight. We have decided to hold a colouring competition and donate the funds to the Fairtrade Foundation. 

Colouring sheets will be available to purchase from the Eco-Committee on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th February. Colouring sheets cost 50p each.


The closing date for the competition will be Tuesday 7th March. 


We can't wait to see your entries! 



January 2023

Healthy Living 

P2 made some HEALTHY porridge today. We had a range of toppings and helped mix the bowl. Most of used loved it (and even licked our bowls clean), but a couple of us were not so keen! We also learnt about the health benefits of having a healthy breakfast! 

January 2023

P2 - Waste & Recycling

P2 wore their creative hats today, to make toys that move out of a range of junk materials. We had so much fun and can't wait to see off our amazing creations at home! 

December 2022

Charity Donations

Thanks to your amazing genorosity, Rosetta Primary has donated £1050 to charity this month! £320 was given to Save the Children from our Christmas Jumper donations last week, and Black Santa and Fields of Life each received £365 from the retiring offering after the Nativities and Carol Service. This money will make such a difference in the lives of those in need - thank you! 

December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day

On 9th December we are having a Christmas Jumper Day, and we are asking that you send in a donation, if you can, which will go to Save The Children Fund - the UK government will match whatever Save the Children Fun raise!


Have a look at the information below to see what you donations can do for those in need. 

December 2022

Daily Mile

 Some P7 pupils were invited to the Kingspan Stadium, to take part in the Daily Mile Santa Run. The children got to meet some players and run or walk their mile. We covered more than a mile as we walked there and back! We were again joined by Dr Dearie from the Public Health Agency and Dr Hillyard from Ulster University who were also keen to walk their Daily Mile!

December 2022

Daily Mile

The whole school had a great time participating in a festive themed Daily Mile Scavenger hunt! We had a great time trying to find the Christmas pictures whilst also improving our fitness. 


We also had some guests join us too! Dr Dearie from the Public Health Agency, Dr Hillyard from Ulster University and Claire Hanna.

November 2022

Waste & Recycling 

Everyone loves a Christmas jumper, but most of us have at least one in the wardrobe, and although would love a change, would prefer not to buy a new one. 

Please send in your old (freshly washed) Christmas Jumper to school by Friday 18th November, and they will be sorted into sizes for you to get a 'new to you' on Friday 25th November. The jumpers will be set up on tables at the entrance to school from 8:30 to 9:00am.

October 2022

Eco-Committee Minutes

Click here to view.

October 2022

Maths Week! 

Classes enjoyed having their maths lessons outdoors. 

September 2022

Outdoor Learning & Healthy Living

P4 enjoyed having their healthy break outside in the garden. They have been making the most of the great weather! 

September 2022

Healthy Living & Outdoor Learning

P6 had a great time outside completing an outdoor mindfulness scavenger hunt. 

September 2022

Outdoor Learning

P4 had lots of fun outside learning more about place value. 

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

We are delighted that our Sensory Garden is nearly completed. We have been increasing outdoor learning this year and the garden will be a well used space. There is a water feature and beds for touch, smell, sight, sound and taste - we are looking forward to carrots, onions, soup celery and blueberries in the autumn. Just some more furniture needed…

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

P5 enjoyed having their lunch outside in the sensory garden. They are making the most of the good weather! 

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

P1 had a fantastic time when they visited Knockbreda Methodist Church garden. They got to see some tadpoles, learn about pond dipping and even got to plant some peas! 

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

Today our amazing Outdoor Classroom arrived in the playground!

Children will soon have the opportunity to explore the curriculum through the use of this fantastic outdoor learning space. 

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

P5 enjoyed having their break outside in the outdoor classroom. 

June 2022

Outdoor Learning

P4 enjoyed their outdoor Numeracy lesson. What a glorious day to learn outside!

May 2022

Waste & Recycling

P5 have been very busy making bracelets using plastic bags they brought in from home. These bracelets will be sold at our School Fair at the end of May. Money raised will be going to an Eco Charity. We will keep you updated with how we got on!

May 2022

Eco Committee 

We have been very busy organising an Eco Stall for our school fair. Read the minutes of our meeting for more information. 

May 2022 minutes

May 2022 minutes

March 2022

Outdoor Learning

Sensory Garden Update - new mirrors, chalkboards and a place to relax!

March 2022

Outdoor Learning

We had lots of fun engaging in outdoor learning during Book Week. 

March 2022

Healthy Living

P5 participated in an Air Quality Investigation with Queen's University Belfast. 

February 2022

Healthy Living

Relax Kids! 

February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight Competition

Congratulations to our winner and runner up! Enjoy your Maltesers. 

February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight

Every class participated in fun and engaging activities to learn more about Fairtrade. Enjoy looking at the photographs below. 

February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight Competition


Have a go at guessing the number of Maltesers in the jar. The closest guess will win the lot!


Don't forget to bring your £1 to enter. All money will be donated to the Fairtrade Foundation. 


February 2022

Eco Code Competition Entries

Thank you for your amazing competition entries! The Eco Committee were very impressed with your hard work. 

February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight!

Fairtrade Fortnight is starting very soon. Check out the poster for more information (made by Jessica and Zainab from the Eco Committee). 

February 2022

Eco Board

Check out our amazing Eco Board. Here we share eco news, our action plan and environmental review. You can also leave suggestions here for the Eco Committee. 

February 2022

Outdoor Learning

Sensory Garden Update - new stones!

February 2022

Healthy Living

P3 After School Club - Mindfulness 

February 2022

Litter & Waste

P4 - Recycling Posters and Litter Picking.

February 2022

Congratulations to our Eco Code competition winner! The Eco Code will be shared with all pupils and displayed in each classroom. 

January 2022

Outdoor Learning

Garden update! The stones have been removed and we have been making room for more planting areas. 

January 2022

Eco Code

Click here to view information on our Eco Code competition. The Eco Committee can't wait to see your entries!

December 2021

Eco Committee

Minutes from last meeting.

December 2021

Outdoor Learning 

Our school garden is getting an update! Have a look at how we are getting on so far.

December 2021

Global Perspective

P4 - Educating the Heart 

December 2021

Healthy Living

P4 - Nurture in 5

November 2021

Outdoor Learning

Maths Week!

The whole school participated in Outdoor Learning activities throughout the week.

P1 - 2D Shape

P2 -  2D Shape

P3 - 2D Shape

P4 - 2D Shape and Handling Data

P5 - Lost in the Forest - Maths Hunt

P6 - Place Value

P7 - Symmetry 

November 2021

Healthy Living

P5 Chester's Challenge with Chest, Heart and Stroke. 

October 2021

Eco Committee

Minutes from last meeting.

October 2021

Eco Committee 

Minutes from latest meeting. 

October 2021

Healthy Living

Outdoor Games - After School activity completed by all year groups. 

Outdoor Games - After School Club

October 2021

Outdoor Learning

P1 Bird Feeders. 

October 2021

Healthy Living

P5 have been studying the topic 'My Body' in World Around Us. They have been looking at the function of the lungs and how to keep them healthy. They made these fantastic posters on the Comic Life app on the iPad. 

October 2021

Environmental Review 

Environmental Review.pdf

We are going to use the completed environmental review to inform our action plan. 

September 2021

Outdoor Learning

P5 - Place Value

P5 had lots of fun outside. They played a multiple catching game, ordered numbers and used natural materials to represent 4 digit numbers. 

September 2021

Outdoor Learning

P5 - Labelling the body. 


September 2021


Cash for Clobber


Thank you for your support! The money is going to be used to enhance our school garden. 

September 2021


Meet our Eco Committee! 


The Eco Committee work with other children and adults in our school to make it a more environmentally friendlly place. 


Eco Committee jobs:

· Share ideas in Eco-Committee meetings.

· Carry out an environmental review to measure our school’s performance against the nine Eco topics.

· Help create a plan for how we can make Rosetta an eco-friendlier place the next year.

· Speak to other members of the school community. 

· Bring ideas from classes to the meetings and also feedback what we have discussed.

· Be willing to speak in school assemblies.

· Help the school be more energy efficient during its daily running e.g. switching off lights.

· Help the school achieve an Eco-Schools Award.



We are an Eco School


Rosetta Primary was first awarded the prestigious and internationally recognised green flag in June 2015 - a tremendous achievement. We are continuing to raise environmental awareness and were delighted when our green flag status was again granted in June 2018. The school council began selling metal straws to reduce plastic waste in February 2020. Watch this space for more eco ideas becoming actions in Rosetta Primary...

Eco Committee Attends Green Flag Celebration at Belfast City Hall.


We did it again!

On Thursday 17th May, the Eco Committee attended the Green flag presentational ceremony in Belfast City Hall. Rosetta Primary School have been rewarded the Green Flag (the highest achievement) again this year. This is a result of the Eco Committees hard work in setting and achieving the targets in the school’s action plans of encouraging biodiversity, reducing litter and improving outdoor learning.

The children got to meet Ecomantella, visit the various exhibits from other schools and local eco businesses and organisations. The day was a great success and the children very much enjoyed having lunch in the Great Hall after the presentation.

Well done to everyone that has taken part this year!


Photo (left to right):

Alexy (P7), Eco Leader for P5S, Reuben (P7), Ellie (P5D),Katie (P6J) and Hannah (P6W),


Please feel free to browse our gallery of photos of this brilliant event below.





Eco Committee Completes Community Litter Pick


On Wednesday 22nd May, the Eco Committee invited community members from local businesses and organisations to take part in a community litter pick. Representatives from each class in Rosetta Primary School were joined by members from St John’s Church, Bumbles Daycare and local residents to complete the litter pick.

As a result of everyone’s hard we collected four large black bags of rubbish from the streets in the surrounding area of the school.

Thank you to everyone that took part and well done!







RSPB NI Schools Birdwatch


As part of Rosetta’s drive to achieve the Eco Green Flag, the RSPB NI visited Rosetta on Tuesday 16th January 2018. Despite the snow, each class braved the weather and took part in the RSPB NI Schools Birdwatch. A great variety of birds were spotted throughout the day in the school grounds, such as starlings, seagulls, wagtails, crows and blackbirds to name a few. Well done to everyone who took part!

Back row – L to R: Ellie (P5D), Hannah (P6F), Katie (P6J), Alexy (P7), Mr Fenton, Miss Brennan (RSPB NI and Board of Governors)

Front row – L to R: Victoria (P5S), Jamie (P1B), Erona (P3M), Tom (P3H), Emily (P1N), Reuben (P7), Joel (P2B), Nathaniel (P2D)



Global Perspectives

Rosetta is part of the Global Learning Programme, an initiative which aims to involve children in critical thinking about the concepts of poverty and inequality in the world and helping our pupils feel they can make a difference.


This year staff are integrating global perspectives in learning across the curriculum.




We are developing our awareness of the environmental and health issues associated with so many cars, and instead encouraging more sustainable ways of getting to school. We have regular walk to school days and had a “Spring into Cycling” campaign which was very successful.

The eco committee led an assembly to highlight the issue of pollution caused by cars.


Waste and recycling

We are trying to reduce the amount of waste our school produces and increase the amount that is reused or recycled. All classes have paper bins and we have litter monitors in the playground. We had another successful “Cash for Clobber” clothes collection which raised £120 to buy plants etc for our garden.


Other eco activities

Each class is working on specific action plans to enhance our environmental awareness.

Thank you for all your continuing support with our eco activities. Hopefully we will keep our green flag- we are being assessed in June so watch this space!

Mrs Buchanan

Eco- Schools Co-ordinator