Rosetta Primary School

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Rosetta Primary School

'Everyone's invited. Everyone's included. Everyone's encouraged.'


WELCOME TO P1 with Miss Brown!!

Well done to all the Primary One children who have settled in so well. A big thank you to parents for all your support so far. It is much appreciated!

Already the children have made lots of new friends and have learnt many new skills. The children have been learning;

- to sort, match, count and recognise numbers within 5

- make sets and patterns

- pre-writing and pre-reading skills

- sequence a story and make titles

- all about the signs of Autumn and Harvest

- to make class rules and be a good friend  

All About Me

We will be learning all about;

  • Families - Who makes up our family
  • How I have changed - a timeline for your child
  • Memories - creating a memory box of special items they have had since birth
  • Different cultures
  • Friendships - linked with the NSPCC programme
  • Babies - Caring for babies

We love learning all about our families and how we are all different.

We decided it is so much better to be different than to all be the same! 



Each of our P1 children has been given a P7 buddy to look after them in the playground at break time. They came down and played with us on our first day in Rosetta and continue to play with us every Monday and Wednesday. I think P7 enjoy this as much as the P1s.


We had great fun talking about our feeling and creating our own emoji plates!

Here are some photographs, can you work out what feeling we are showing?

Outdoor Play

We have great fun outdoors each week. Both P1 classes come together to play outside on Friday mornings. We are learning to take turns and share. We also get to make new friends. Playing outside is good for us, we get exercise and strengthen our muscles. When it’s sunny it makes playtime even better!

Our Autumn Walk

We had a fantastic time on our Autumn walk to Cherryvale on Tuesday 17th  September.

We looked at all the lovely colourful trees. The trees that lose their leaves are deciduous trees like Oak, Horse Chestnut and Sycamore. Trees that stay green all year round are evergreen, like our Christmas trees!

We collected lots of leaves of different shapes, colours and sizes to use for our Autumn crafts. We even brought back some prickly holly with berries, conkers and pine cones.

Our P7 Buddies came with us and the sun shone all day!

For a lovely treat we had some time in the play park.

Poor Miss Brown was very worried when she saw how high we were climbing!

Our autumn fun didn’t end in the park! We used all the items we had collected in our lessons the next day. We made nature number lines, 2d shapes and tall/short leaf men. We sorted the leaves for type/colour/size/shape as well as matching the leaves with their different seeds. 
Leaf and bark rubbings were fun to do and then we made collages with all of the items. 

Autumn is colourful, exciting and fun to explore. 

Top facts

  1. There are five senses – sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing.
  2. Our senses help us to understand what’s happening around us.
  3. Our senses send messages to our brain. 
  4. There are four kinds of taste receptors on the tongue – bitter, sweet, salt and sour.
  5. Some parts of the skin are more sensitive than others – this is because they have more receptor cells.
  6. We taste food using both our sense of taste and smell.
  7. It’s fun to experiment with your senses – for example, make a chart of what foods taste bitter, sweet, salty and sour.
  8. If you cup your hand around your ear, you’ll hear more things – this is because you’re helping your ear gather more sounds.
  9. Not everyone is able to use all five of their senses. If someone cannot see, they are blind; if someone cannot hear, they are deaf.
  10. We can use all five of our senses at the same time without even realising it!


Welcome Night- 3rd October
We had great fun on Thursday night when we came to school in Pyjamas for some hot chocolate and bedtime stories!

I can’t believe I’m about to say this but we’ve reached half term!! We are well and truly settled into P1 and we have been working really hard!

So far we’ve covered the topics of “All about me” and “Autumn”.

We’ve learnt the first 6 sounds: s,a,t,p,i,n and we are learning to write these correctly.

We have used magnetic letters to build new words with these sounds: it, is, in, an, at, pin, pan etc

In maths we have been sorting (using Carroll, Tree and Venn diagrams), making patterns, looking at 2d shapes, started looking at heavy/light, we’ve been learning our days of the week, made pictographs and easy bar charts.

We have used our numbers to 5 to count objects, make sets, order and match. We have also been learning how to form these numbers correctly.


We’ve been doing scissor skills, pencil control skills and listening skills.

Who says all we do in P1 is play?!   


This week as part of maths week our buddies came down to help us solve lots of problems in order to complete an Escape Room. We were held captive by robots but they were no match for Mr Fenton’s P7s or Miss Brown’s P1s, a winning combination!!


Have a look at our photographs.

Vegetable Soup' Display Heading/ Classroom Banner - Primary Treasure Chest                                                   We made vegetable soup today.

During playtime we helped to wash, peel and chop the vegetables for our soup.

We had potatoes. carrots. parsnip, leeks and onions.

We chopped them into small chunks and put them into the soup maker. This is like a big kettle which cooks, mixes and blends the soup. 

We added some stock to the soup vegetables. When the soup came out it was an orange colour. We think this was from the carrots.

The soup was hot and it smelled delicious. It was smooth.

We all had a cup of soup to taste.

Some people didn't like the soup and some did, but we all tasted it!

November/December 2023

Our topic this term is: 

We will be learning all about;

  • Day and night
  • Colours
  • Electricity and lights
  • Nocturnal/diurnal animals
  • Space

These topics may create opportunities for discussion at home and family trips or outings. All of which bring meaningful and real life experiences. For our play we set up an amazing campsite where the children got to camp, make hot chocolate, fish, make shadows, track animal footprints and many more activities. We also have a city bedroom set up, where children can play as if at home whilst comparing city life to countryside camping.  
We have light boxes for mixing colours, space mats for small world play and use torches and other lights in the sand.

We even become real life scientists and experiment with colour explosions in our water tray! Why not come along to our Open Evening on 5th December and see how we learn through play for yourself. You will be amazed!

Twit, Twit, Twoo…


P1 have been learning all about nocturnal animals! As part of this we have been very busy making, writing and reading about owls and other nocturnal animals.

Did you know…

Not all owls are nocturnal
Owls fly silently
Owls have yellow, orange or black eyes
Owls can turn their heads right around

In autumn the plants, hedges and trees have seed sacks and berries which birds can eat. When the weather starts to get colder then birds find it hard to get food. We make bird feeders for the birds. 

What Is a Shadow?

You are running around in the park on a bright, sunny day, but you aren't alone. It seems that everywhere you go, something is following you. When you walk slowly, it walks slowly; and when you run, it runs! But you aren’t being chased by a person- it’s your shadow!

A shadow is the dark shape made when something blocks light. You must have a source of light in order to have shadows. 

Some sources of light include the sun, a light bulb in your room, a torch, or a campfire that you sit around and roast marshmallows. All kinds of things are great at blocking that light and making shadows, including trees, fences, buildings - and you!

We had great fun making shadow animals on the interactive whiteboard. We found out that the closer we are to the light the bigger the shadow is and the further away we are from the light the smaller the shadow is.

Camping can be lots of fun, with so many things to explore and experience! We thought we would like to try some of the fun camping activities that we discussed.

Have a look at our list of activities we thought we could do and then see the pictures of us doing some of the activities.


Our list of activities:

put up a tent
make a campfire
cook some hotdogs
make hot chocolate
sing songs
tell scary stories
look at the stars
make shadows
toast marshmallows

This week we have had great fun making shadows with torches and building dens. We know that moving the torch closer or further away from an object changes the size of the shadow.

We made a den in the classroom with the furniture, a parachute and blankets. We did some of our work in the den but it got very hot!



January/February 2025

The Building Site

We will be learning all about;

People who work on a building site
Different styles of buildings
Buildings around the world
Processes of building

This topic is great for creating discussion at home, family trips or outings.  For our play area, we have set up an amazing real life building site with real tools, materials and our own DIY store.

We also have a fabulous architect’s office where the children can create their own buildings and forward their plans on to the builders.  In class we have real peg boards with hammers and nails, construction toys, blocks, Lego, stickle bricks, kinex and many more to create some amazing buildings.

This really is a fantastic topic for young children which creates so many opportunities for learning.

As part of our building site topic we have been learning the story of the three little pigs. We have acted out this story and even looked at the wolfs side! See how we made the houses using real materials and playdough…

Dig, dig, dig…. We have created our own building site in the sand, making tracks along the way…

We have so much fun in our building site. We can become a plumber, electrician, plasterer, architect or brick layer. You must remember to stay safe on the building site and always wear your high visibility jacket and hard hat!

We love Science!! We predicted and tested which roof would be the most waterproof for the three little pigs..

Have a look at what we did…

We used duplo blocks to create our own block graphs. We were all given a tower of duplo. Everyone’s tower was made up from different coloured bricks.
We sorted them into colour groups and counted how many of each colour we had. Then we created our graphs by colouring in the squares to represent each brick.

Everyone’s graph was different because everyone’s tower was different. 

Chinese New Year

This important date on the Chinese calendar has been celebrated for many centuries. During the festivities ancestors are honoured and traditional ceremonies are held where people get together and welcome the new year with customs that shall bring good luck, good fortune, wealth, prosperity and happiness.

The spring festival festivities for the new year take 15 days in most countries. The new year is often celebrated with dragon dances, lion dances, gift exchanging and fireworks. It ends typically with lantern festivals on the 15th day of the first calendar month.

We learnt about the animals in the zodiac and about the race which determined the animals that are celebrated. 
We made Chinese dragons and tasted yummy Chinese food. 

Pancake Tuesday

Today we made some delicious pancakes. We needed flour, sugar, eggs and milk. The smell of pancakes cooking made our mouths water!!
We had to choose what topping we wanted on our pancakes. Can we make pancakes every Tuesday? 
Have a look at our pictures. 


Celebrating World Book Day 2024

We're hugely excited to celebrate World Book Day, a day with a mission to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

This year, World Book Day took place on Thursday 4 March 2024 and the emphasis was on making it YOUR World Book Day. Since it was first celebrated in the UK and Ireland over 25 years ago, the day has grown to become an important calendar fixture in Rosetta Primary School. It provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, supporting children's autonomy in book choice, and embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.


There’s nothing better than sharing a story with your buddy! Thank you to our P7 buddies for reading to us. We all love to celebrate reading together!!

We had great fun today when Constable Jane and Claire from Strandtown Police Station came to tell us all the ways they help us and our community. Thankfully they were only pretending to arrest Miss Shilliday and they released her before lunch time. 

What a great way to end the term with a visit from the Easter Bunny! We had great fun hunting around the garden to find our tasty treats! Have a super Easter everyone

Letterland Day

We know we’re racing towards the end of Primary One when we reach Letterland Day.  We’ve finished learning all our P1 sounds, we’re blending them together to make words for ourselves and we want to celebrate! What better way to do that than choose our favourite character and dress up!

Today we did just that! We had a fancy dress parade, made lots of letter crafts, created a graph of our favourite characters and had lots of fun using our letters.

Take a look at our photos and celebrate with us

P1 had fantastic fun today trying out some African Drumming! Thank you Thomas for a lovely morning. 

Miss Brown’s virtual tour P1 intake September 2021